Views from the editorial board, opinions from guest and national columnists plus the latest letters from our readers.
Regarding Lynn Schmidt's column "No Labels is an insurance policy against two problematic frontrunners" (Sept. 17): I believe she is very wrong about the "No Labels" party. Self-Adhesive Label

The thing about political parties is that they usually state what their policy positions are or what their members have voted in favor of. Schmidt seems to have omitted this from her essay, and after seeing what the "No Labels" party has advocated for and against, I can see why.
A good number of the "No Labels" party supporters have voted against pro-democracy measures such as removing the Senate filibuster, have voted against abortion rights, and voted against measures to address climate change (including some who supported proposals to build more fossil fuel burning power plants). None of those policy positions is favored by a majority of Americans.
So it really begs the question: Why vote for "No Labels" when said party is just the GOP, but with slightly less conspiracy-mongering?
A quick fact check of "No Labels" funding shows that said party is not as "moderate" as its supporters claim, with a lot funding coming from GOP donors (and other funds mostly going undisclosed).
This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. When organizations complain about "the far left," it is always a conservative with a far-right bent trying to get another far-right politician elected. History shows that third-party candidates are usually far right, and "No Labels" is no exception.
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Views from the editorial board, opinions from guest and national columnists plus the latest letters from our readers.
Letter: We feel marginalized and stripped of any semblance of our former parish.
Letter: Unless the man is dead, he has a responsibility to support his children, a responsibility that comes before anything else.
Letter: Appearance matters and it is a means of nonverbal communication. Dress respectfully for the common good and not for the individual.
Letter: I wonder if Ken Buck feels as strongly that Trump's second impeachment was also "a disgrace to the Constitution and a disservice to Am…

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